Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ال EGCG ومميزاته

يحتوي الشاي الأخضر علي العديد من مركبات البوليفينول polyphenol ويأتي في أهميتها مركب الepigallocatechin gallate او مايسمي
اختصارا(EGCG)، وتحتوي الأوراق الخضراء للشاي علي 8-12 في المائة من المركبات البوليفينل التي مابينها ال مركب ال EGCG
أي أنه كوب من الشاي الأخضر يحتوي علي 300 أو 400mg سيكون تركيز مركبات البوليفينول 6 أو 8 في المائة وأقل القليل مايكون من ال EGCG
وبناء علي ذلك ، اعطائه علي شكل أقراص بالتركيز المطلوب لأطفالنا يكون أفضل من اعتمادنا علي الحصول عليه من شرب كوب من الشاي الأخضر.

The term polyphenol denotes the presence of multiple phenolic rings. (A phenolic ring is a 6-carbon benzene ring with an attached hydroxyl (OH) group—also referred to as the hydroxyl functional group.) The major polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids (e.g., catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and proanthocyanidins). Epigallocatechin gallate is viewed as the most significant active component. The leaf bud and first leaves are richest in epigallocatechin gallate. The usual concentration of total polyphenols in dried green tea leaves is around 8 to 12 percent
One cup of green tea will contain approximately 300 to 400 mg of polyphenols, but remember, only 8 to 12 percent of the entire cup will be polyphenols and a smaller portion will be of the most beneficial polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate -
أهمية ال EGCG الخاصة في متلازمة داون :-
أثبتت الأبحاث ان الزيادة في الكروموسوم ٢١ التي أدت الي زيادة بعض الجينات مثل ال DYRK1A من أهم العوامل المسببة في التأخر الادراكي وضعف الذاكرة للاطفال الذين لديهم متلازمة داون ، وأيضا زيادة هذا الجين وعلاقته بكيفية حدوث مرض الزهايمر عموما .
ويعتبر ال EGCG مثبط لعمل هذا الجين ، وبالتالي مهم للحفاظ علي الخلايا العصبية ومن ثم تحسين الإدراك والذاكرة عند أطفالنا ووقايتهم من خطر تعرضهم للإصابة بمرض الزهايمر علي المدي البعيد من العمر .
Trisomy for human chromosome 21 results in Down syndrome (DS), which is among the most complex genetic perturbations leading to intellectual disability. Accumulating data suggest that overexpression of the dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), is a critical pathogenic mechanisms in the intellectual deficit.
مميزات ال EGCG كمضاد للأكسدة عن باقي المواد الأخري :-
١-أثبتت الدراسات انه ليس فقطكعامل مضاد للأكسدة في الخلايا ولكنه يساعد علي تنشيط
الانزيمات المضادة للأكسدة الموجودة فعليابالجسم
٢-أقوي من فيتامين سي مائة مرة في التأثير كمضاد للأكسدة.
٣- أقوي من فيتامين E خمسة وعشرون مرة من ناحية حمايته للخلايا وحماية المادة الجينية وال DNA بالخلايا من أي خلل في الشكل والوظيفة ولذلك يعتبر كعامل حماية ضد حدوث الأورام بالجسم .
٤- امتصاص الأمعاء له أفضل من فيتامين E لأنه water soluble ولذلك ايضا يستطيع الجسم التخلص من الجرعة الزائدة بسهولة، علي عكس الفيتامين E لأنه fat soluble vitamin ولذلك أي جرعة زائدة سيحتفظ بها الجسم وتخزن داخل الخلايا مما تسبب بعض الاعراض الجانبية.
٥- يعتبر أقوي مرتين في تأثيره كمضاد للأكسدة من مادة الResveratrol الموجوده بالعنب الأحمر المستخدم لعمل النبيذ.
Green tea polyphenols are potent antioxidant compounds that have demonstrated greater antioxidant protection than vitamins C and E in experimental studies. In addition to exerting antioxidant activity on its own, green tea may increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes. In one interesting study from the Journal Cancer Research, mice were fed green tea polyphenols via their drinking water for 30 days. Researchers discovered a significant increase in the activity of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes (glutathione peroxidation, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase, catalase and quinine reductase) in the small intestine, liver and lungs.
Antioxidant properties
Researchers at the UWhen beginning EGCG as a supplement, it would be wise to make sure you also are taking probiotics. Sometimes I recommend that patients take probiotics one or two weeks prior to introducing EGCG. Additionally, I recommend a change in diet. Remember that EGCG may act as a starch blocker. If candida overgrowth is present in the intestines, one might experience some mild gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, there is some evidence that EGCG is anti-fungal, which can promote a “die off” response that might also induce mild gastrointestinal discomfort. Taking probiotics prior to and during EGCG supplementation and while changing your diet (at the very least remove all refined carbohydrates) will prevent any mild gastrointestinal discomfort. I developed our green tea extract to be free of caffeine, so it is not a stimulant and is safe for caffeine-sensitive individuals or for those wishing to remain caffeine free. Additionally, our EGCG is free of vitamin K, making it safe to take with blood thinning medication. EGCG should not be used during pregnancy. - See more at:…/egcg-potent-extract-of-green-tea-2/… of Kansas feel that EGCG is at least 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E at protecting cells and their genetic material, DNA, from damage believed to be linked to cancer, heart disease and other potentially life-threatening illnesses. EGCG, carries twice the antioxidant punch of resveratrol, found in red wine.
Green tea, which is water soluble, has another advantage over vitamin E. Excessive amounts of antioxidants found in green tea are excreted by the body. The body absorbs and retains fat-based vitamins such as vitamin E, even at potentially harmful levels. The antioxidant activity of EGCG helps tremendously to combat post-exercise muscle soreness.
أهمية ال EGCG كعامل حماية ضد حدوث الكثير من الأورام بالجسم:-
أشارت الأبحاث ان اليابانيين من أقل الشعوب نسبة في حدوث الأورام لاستهلاكهم للشاي الأخضر بصورة يومية ، ولكن لانستطيع ان نجزم بأنه سبب رئيسي لذلك ولكنه بالمؤكد عامل مساعد .
ترجع أهميته إلي تثبيط بعض الانزيمات المحفزة للأورام مثل ال TNfالتي تساعد في عملية خلل الخلايا في مرحلة ماقبل الورم pre malignant changes.
في تجربة علي بعض الفئران المصابة بسرطان الغدد الليمفاوية None-Hodgkin's حقنت بال EGCG أثبتطت نشاط خمسين في المائة من نشاط الخلايا المصابة بالورم .
The cancer-protective effects of green tea have been reported in several population-based studies. For example, cancer rates tend to be low in countries such as Japan where green tea is regularly consumed. However, it is not possible to determine from these population-based studies whether green tea actually prevents cancer in people. Emerging animal and clinical studies are beginning to suggest that EGCG may play an important role in the prevention of cancer.
It has been suggested that EGCG and other tea catechins suppress tumor promotion by inhibiting the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which is believed to stimulate tumor promotion and progression of initiated cells as well as premalignant cells (Fujiki et al., 2000). Furthermore, EGCG was shown to reduce specific binding of both the 12-Otetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-type and the okadaic acid-type tumor promoters (the two major classes of tumor-promoting agents) to their receptors. This “sealing” effect of EGCG is achieved by its interaction with the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane (Fujiki et al., 1999). This is one reason why I will typically administer EGCG with glycophospholipids such as NT Factor or phosphatidylcholine.
When non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cells were transplanted into mice, green tea prevented 50 percent of the tumors from taking hold and significantly inhibited growth of the tumors (Leukemia 2000 Aug;14(8):1477-82).
- See more at:…/egcg-potent-extract-of-green-tea-2/…
الاحتياطات الواجب اتخاذها قبل وأثناء تعاطي ال EGCG:-
١- يفضل استخدام الأنواع منزوعة الكافيين .
٢-يفضل استخدام البروبيوتك probiotics قبل البدء باستخدامه بأسبوعين علي الأقل وأثناء اعطائه ايضا للتقليل وتجنب اضطرابات الهضم والامتصاص بالأمعاء.
٣- بعض الانواع ليست خالية من vit K ولذلك يجب استشارة الطبيب قبل الاستخدام في حالة أمراض سيولة الدم أو تعاطي الأدوية التي تساعد علي ذلك مثل Warfarin.
When beginning EGCG as a supplement, it would be wise to make sure you also are taking probiotics. Sometimes I recommend that patients take probiotics one or two weeks prior to introducing EGCG. Additionally, I recommend a change in diet. Remember that EGCG may act as a starch blocker. If candida overgrowth is present in the intestines, one might experience some mild gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, there is some evidence that EGCG is anti-fungal, which can promote a “die off” response that might also induce mild gastrointestinal discomfort. Taking probiotics prior to and during EGCG supplementation and while changing your diet (at the very least remove all refined carbohydrates) will prevent any mild gastrointestinal discomfort. I developed our green tea extract to be free of caffeine, so it is not a stimulant and is safe for caffeine-sensitive individuals or for those wishing to remain caffeine free. Additionally, our EGCG is free of vitamin K, making it safe to take with blood thinning medication. EGCG should not be used during pregnancy. - See more at:…/egcg-potent-extract-of-green-tea-2/…

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